Thursday, July 1, 2010

Poking, a-GORA-phobia & Leeroy Jenkins!

Production: In Touch
Rehearsal Wk2
by Michael John Griesen (Friend)

Today we went over David’s ‘Birthday Poke’ in more detail, which was necessary as a couple of people that were not singing in it before now are. Seth was still struggling with the exact rhythm of ‘po, po, po, po po poke!’ He tapped it out so enthusiastically on his music stand that he broke his pencil. We’ve made a few changes to the lyrics in “Alive” as well, one which took us a good ten minutes to get right. After a short toilet break we discussed our research that we had done in the last two days which was very interesting; we looked in detail at what ‘Friend’s’ and ‘Mairin’s’ conditions are, and Seth talked his character’s fear of the outside world.

Seth: “I think David might have a-GORA-phobia”
Ken: “Is that a bit like a-LUM-inum?”
Seth: “Yeah, scared of metal.”

The above exchange was apparently hilarious to everyone else but it went completely over my head. Byron then showed us a youtube video of a team, of what seemed to be computer geeks, planning a World of Warcraft raid, until one of the characters, who had just got back from the bathroom, ran recklessly through the doors to the monsters shouting- “LEEROY JENKINS!” (His name.) The amusement that resulted from this kept us happy all the way through lunchtime. Mikey found this particular video hilarious, and tears were streaming from his eyes for the next half hour, just at the slightest mention of this video!

Helen presented information on internet addiction and gave some examples of how it has pulled families apart. One thing that we found pretty ridiculous was that the only way you could access information about an internet addiction helpline, was ONLINE!

Candice spoke about quarantines, and gave us plenty of information on how quarantines would work and be undertaken in todays society. This was really helpful for the characters of 'In Touch' who have been affected by the 'quarantine'.

Mikey presented information on 'Locked in Syndrome' which is what his 'human character' suffers from. He read a few passages from a diary by a patient who suffers from the syndrome, and it was incredibly touching and gave a real insight.

Finally, Rachel presented her research about artificial intelligence, and the possible ramifications of unconscious beings developing consciousness.

Candice said that I fried her brain. I take that as a compliment. Ken then instructed us to get into our pairs and discuss our characters more, starting with a list of everything we knew about our characters, then developing this into making our own decisions about how we wanted to play them. To make this easier, we pretended we were on television, and we got interviewed in our pairs and had to improvise replies. All in all, it was a extremely productive day of rehearsal, and we left with a bundle of information and ideas to play with.

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